Legal Powers Criminal Law Practice Articles

Discover Ben Powers’ expertise on criminal practice topics like DUI law, white-collar crimes and more. Let Ben put his legal powers to work for you.

Orders of Protection: How They Work in Tennessee


We're often asked the questions, "How does a protection order work?" and "What's the difference in a restraining order and an order of protection?" Protection orders in Tennessee are a complicated subject. The attorneys at Legal Powers of Nashville, TN and the surrounding areas are prepared to help you through the process of an Order [...]

Orders of Protection: How They Work in Tennessee2022-07-15T22:10:07+00:00

Understanding Charges of Theft in Tennessee


There are too many different categories of theft offenses in the state of Tennessee to address in detail in a single blog post. However, this article is intended to cover the high points of theft charges in Tennessee and how you can address those charges against you. A common example of theft would be an [...]

Understanding Charges of Theft in Tennessee2021-04-26T22:32:31+00:00

The Bridge Between Burglary and Shoplifting


Theft is a crime that can be considered a misdemeanor depending on the amount of goods stolen. In some special cases prosecutors are pursuing more severe charges of burglary, which is a serious felony charge with significantly higher penalties of prison time and fines. This concerning courtroom trend can turn a case of what should [...]

The Bridge Between Burglary and Shoplifting2019-12-12T15:00:26+00:00

CBD Oil: The Legal Substance That Is Treated Illegally


Know your rights when it comes to CBD possession In 2017 the Tennessee legislature fully legalized the use and sale of hemp-based CBD oil that contains less than 0.3% THC. The legalized CBD industry touts itself as offering a product that is great for your health and for the economy by creating a new market [...]

CBD Oil: The Legal Substance That Is Treated Illegally2019-12-12T15:01:46+00:00

Yes, Your Text Messages Can Be Used In Court


Our phones are treasure troves of information about us. It only makes sense that law enforcement’s desire to search cell phones for evidence as part of their investigation of criminal allegations is becoming more and more common.

Yes, Your Text Messages Can Be Used In Court2019-12-12T15:02:02+00:00

Can My Facebook Account Be Used Against Me In Court?


Every day we see countless updates online including pictures, witty captions, and hashtags that document peoples’ entire lives. But is posting your every move and thought on social media really the best idea? Can social media really be used as evidence in a court case? REMEMBER: What you post online can be used against you [...]

Can My Facebook Account Be Used Against Me In Court?2019-12-12T15:09:14+00:00

What rights do you have when the cops come knocking at your door?


We have all heard about, seen, thought about, or perhaps have even experienced it… the dreaded knock on your door accompanied by an echo of “police department!”

What rights do you have when the cops come knocking at your door?2019-12-12T15:09:47+00:00

Do I Have To Let Police Search My Phone?


With so much personal, revealing information, in a single device any of us would not only feel uneasy with someone else having access to the information on our cell phone without our permission but also would feel deeply violated if that were to occur.

Do I Have To Let Police Search My Phone?2019-12-12T15:13:31+00:00

DUI & Minimums


One of the first questions I’m asked when I meet a client charged with a DUI is: “What’s the punishment in Tennessee for a DUI?” The short answer is, “It depends.” It depends on the facts and evidence of each case and it depends on a person’s criminal history; if any. Under Tennessee Driving [...]

DUI & Minimums2025-01-16T02:34:33+00:00
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